Before applying, it is important to consider whether taking out a business loan is the best course of action for you. Business loans can be used to manage cash flow and support your business, however, you should never take out a business loan if you are not 100% sure that you can meet the repayments.
If you are unsure whether a loan is the best option for you, our team would be happy to discuss your options with you. Call us on 0333 006 5398
Stay focused on your business and let us do all of the hard work!
Apply Now Calculate RepaymentsApply in 2 minutes!
Terms from 2 to 6 years
Rates from 2.9% p.a.
Borrow £10,000 - £500,000
Business loans are a great way to add flexibility to your business.
Unexpected tax liabilities
Working capital
Funding stock
Investing in business assets
Equipment purchases
Staffing costs
Building your business credit score
Managing uncertainty
To be eligible to apply for a business loan, you will need:
A minimum of 2 years’ trading history.
Be a limited company or limited liability partnership.
You can contact us by filling in the contact form below or getting in touch via phone or email where a member of our fiendly team would be happy to assist.